Mr Bachelor Movie Review

Karthik is a young man who wants to get married as soon as possible. He believes that marriage is the only way to happiness and he is ready to settle down with anyone who agrees to marry him. However, he faces a lot of rejections from prospective brides and their families, due to a variety of reasons. His parents consult an astrologer, who tells them that his family's curse prevents him from finding a suitable match. The only way to break the curse is to marry his 31st prospective bride but she, after meeting him, lays a condition that he has to lose his virginity before the marriage.




This is my first time seeing a film featuring Darling Krishna, and it turned out to be a blend of my expectations from the trailer and a few intriguing twists and choices.


The movie has a simple plot that tries to explore the concept of marriage and relationships humorously. The movie has some funny moments and dialogue that keep the audience entertained. The movie also has some thriller elements that add some suspense and drama to the story. The movie has a good pace and does not drag much.

The performances of the actors are decent and suit their characters. Darling Krishna plays the role of Karthik with ease and charm. He shows his versatility in both comedy and action scenes.

Nimika Ratnakar and Milana Nagaraj play the roles of Karthik’s love interests, who have different personalities and expectations of him. They both have good chemistry with Krishna and deliver their roles well.

Chikkanna plays the role of Karthik’s friend, who provides comic relief throughout the movie. He has some hilarious scenes and dialogues that make the audience laugh.

The cinematographer of this movie captured the scenic locations and the action sequences well. The editing of the movie is done very well and the editor has kept the movie crisp and smooth.


The movie lacks originality and seems to be inspired by some other movies in the same genre. The movie also has some cliched scenes and stereotypes that are predictable and boring. The movie also has some jokes that might not appeal to everyone. The movie also has some logical flaws and loopholes that affect the credibility of the story.

The music of the movie is catchy and melodious. The songs are well-picturized and suit the mood of the movie. However, I wasn’t able to connect with it. The VFX in this film is also terrible.


Overall, Mr Bachelor is an engaging romantic comedy that serves its purpose of entertaining the audience. The movie has a good mix of humour, romance, drama and action that keeps the audience hooked.

The movie is not a masterpiece, but it is not a waste of time either. The movie is a one-time watch for those who enjoy light-hearted comedies with a touch of thrill.

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